Brent Staples Just Walk On By Essay

Within this essay Brent Staples used. Good Commentary Essay Topics here.

  • In the essay, “Just Walk on By,” Brent Staples succeeds greatly in. Readers soon realize this mistake and recognize that he or she just made the assumption.
  • BRENT STAPLES Black Men and Public. The following essay originally appeared in Ms. Magazine in 1986, under the title "Just Walk On By." Staples revised it slightly.
  • Brent Staples’ essay titled . A black man ponders his power to alter.
  • Brent Staples, “Just Walk on By”. 1963 essay, “My Negro Problem.
  • Below is an essay on "Brent Staples" from Anti Essays.
  • Here's a response to Staples's “Just Walk On By” posted to a web bulletin board. How does the author of the essay use.
  • Brent Staples Brent Staples (born 1951 in Chester. Magazine "Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space" is deemed canonical).
  • The Student Perspective. Brent Staples Just Walk.

Black Men and Public Space by: Brent Staple. Transcript of Just walk on By. Brent Staples The Speaker.

Brent Staples Just Walk On By Essay

October 2. 01. 2. Just Walk on By. In Brent Staples’ essay, “Just Walk on By” the author describes his experiences, feelings, and reactions towards the discrimination he has faced throughout his life as a black man.

Brent Staples Just Walk On By Essay

Staples describes several different personal experiences of when he felt that he had been judged or discriminated against by other people based on the color of his skin and how that contributed to his overall appearance. Staples has continuously been perceived as a danger or criminal simply because of his skin color, leading him to have to deal with many uncomfortable situations. The author has even gone so far as to take precautions when he is on the street just so that he will not be misjudged or thought of as dangerous by the people that surround him in these circumstances. Throughout Brent Staples’ essay, he illustrates how discrimination has affected him personally and uses various literary devices to elaborate on his points. Staples position on discrimination is clearly portrayed throughout the essay; he has been misjudged based on the color of his skin and his physical appearance and for that reason alone. Although the topic of discrimination may be one that people do not like to talk about and something that people often avoid discussing, Staples displays a light tone and many different humorous remarks to get his point across.

Staples uses a lot of irony in his work and uses a friendly approach to the more serious matters, which makes it a little easier to take in. He begins by referring to a woman he had met as his victim, which of course it not at all what he means. She immediately has misjudged him as a mugger and he was left with an embarrassed and shamed feeling. He also illustrates himself as a more timid character by saying that he could scarcely bare laying a knife across chicken, let alone a human throat. Staples humorous approach makes the topic a lot easier for people to take in and sets a..

B- E Advanced Placement Language 2. Just Walk On By. Just Walk On By is an essay driven by emotion and resentment. Brent Staples writes about his experiences of continually being mistaken for a criminal, as a young black male. Clearly, anger fuels Staples’ writing, yet he maintained a calmness throughout the essay and did not point fingers.

He understood why females acted the way they did around him. They had a reason to: young black males are drastically overrepresented by perpetrators of street violence. Psychology Topics For Essays On Communication. Brent Staples learned this growing up around fellow African American men who ended up in jail. He started out by saying, “My first victim was a woman.

But as I read on I realized that I had made the same mistake many other people had. He did an excellent job describing the fear he saw when he walked by people: “They seem to have their faces on neutral, and with their purse straps strung across their chests bandolier- style, they forge ahead as though bracing themselves against being tackled” (3.

An onomatopoeia is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the sound the word describes. Staples uses this to create the atmosphere he often endured on pg 3.

I could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver- black, white, male, or female- hammering down the door locks.” Explaining how innocent he really is, Staples says, “As a softy who is scarcely able to take a knife to a raw chicken – let alone hold one to a person’s throat – I was surprised, embarrassed, and dismayed all at once” (pg 3. This is an example of an analogy, which compares two things.

It is about Staples’ whistling classical music being the “equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they know they are in bear country” (pg 3. The cowbell is supposed to warn bears to stay away, just as Brent’s whistling warns concerned strangers that he is harmless. Even though I too have been judged by my appearance, I have no idea what it’s like have people running from me, scared. On the other hand, Chicago has some frightening people that might be harmful. It is a difficult topic to write about, however Brent Staples drew a great portrayal of his point of view.

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Just Walk On By: A black man ponders his power to alter public space. Brent Staples’ essay titled . Not only is the essay a high quality literary work, the point the author makes is also highly relevant to blacks and other ethnic minorities. Through the course of the essay, the author makes several valid observations and poignant remarks about the injustices meted out to blacks in everyday social situations. He rightly expresses his indignation at deep- rooted prejudice and the occasional hatred that blacks are subjected to. This aspect of his essay is not unique, for minority literature in America is full of such themes. But what makes Staples’ essay stand out from the rest is his proposed solution for the problem.

Instead of adopting a radical standpoint of aggressive confrontation or even militant retaliation against racial injustices, Brent Staples attempts to see the problem from White Americans’ perspective and goes out of his way to ease their concerns (Staples, 1. This is indeed a unique standpoint in the context of black and minority literature. While the logic employed by the author might come across as weak and his attitude might seem submissive, it takes a lot of courage and a big heart for a person from a minority community (that has historically been treated unjustly) to reach out and offer an olive branch. The rest of this essay will elucidate further reasons for why this is so and will argue in support of the author’s position. Looking back at the history of racial reconciliation in the United States, it is fair to say that pacifist leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr.

In more contemporary times, the analogy could be extended to intellectuals such as Cornell West as against vociferous ethno- religious leaders such as Louis Farrakhan. While both sides have sound logical arguments to support their case, it is always the cool and balanced analysis of the pacifist, non- violent leaders that wins through. The same assessment is applicable to Brent Staples’ position, which is based on balanced and nuanced analysis and one that is bound to fructify into peaceful reconciliation. Moreover, while identifying the rationale for black male aggression, Staples also hints at its basic flaws: “Many things go into the making of a young thug. One of those things is the consummation of the male romance with the power to intimidate. A Persuasive Essay On Global Warming here. When a mark cowered and surrendered his money without resistance, myth and reality merged- and paid off. It is, after all, only manly to embrace the power to frighten and intimidate.

We, as men, are not supposed to give an inch of our lane on the highway; we are to seize the fighter’s edge in work and in play and even in love; we are to be valiant in the face of hostile forces.” (Staples, 1. While the above observation comes from his own personal experiences, Staples’ essay is also meritorious for its consideration of the opposing view point. In this case it is the reference to Norman Podhoretz’ controversial 1. Despite the apparent racist tone on the essay, Staples does refer to some valid observations made by Podhoretz. For example, Staples concurs with his fellow scholar in recognizing the “special brand of paranoid touchiness” that black males have come to represent (Staples, 1. The only problem with Staples’ perusal of Podhoretz’ views is its convenient stereotyping of all black males, for it is blatantly unfair to categorize an entire community as suffering from paranoid touchiness.

But beyond this small weakness in his argument, there is much veracity behind many of the essay’s claims. And finally, in what is a display of literary irony, the so- called “power to alter public space” leads the author to alter his private thoughts and behavior. When prejudices expressed by the white majority are so deeply- engrained for it to be dissipated overnight, a more practical solution is called for. In what are the most memorable last lines from the essay, the author tells his audience how he has learnt to convert tense situations into amicable ones. He tells how his adoption of a compassionate posture in the public space has transformed his personal experiences.

While not being didactic about his method, there is an element of earnest recommendation in his words: “I began to take precautions to make myself less threatening. I move about with care, particularly late in the evening. I give a wide berth to nervous people on subway platforms during the wee hours, particularly when I have exchanged business clothes for jeans.

And on late- evening constitutionals along streets less traveled by, I employ what has proved to be an excellent tension- reducing measure: I whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi and the more popular classical composers. Heroes Essay Examples. It is my equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they are in bear country.” (Staples, 1. Reference: Just walk on by: A black man ponders his power to alter public space.

Literary Cavalcade, Sep.

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